Work/Life Balance


I'm going to let you in on a little secret... I don't believe in work / life balance. And I'm not alone - plenty of other people have written about why this way of thinking can actually be harmful to your personal and professional success, and I'm here to add my voice to the chorus.

"Work / life balance" is a false dichotomy. Work and life are not two separate things that need to be balanced against each other - they're actually one and the same. The average person will spend 1/3 of their life at work. Another 1/3 of life is spent sleeping, and the remaining third spent doing hobbies, housework, exercising, reading, or other extra-curricular activities.

So knowing that work will likely take up a significant amount of time, focus and energy throughout our lives, it's all the more important that we find balance within and enjoy and appreciate all parts of life - work being no exception.

Of course, if you love what you do and you're passionate about your work, then it doesn't feel like work at all! That's the sweet spot.

Everybody has good and bad days - but as a whole, you should feel fulfilled, valued, and motivated.

If you're feeling overwhelmed and like you're trying to balance too many things - remember that life is divided into even thirds: work, sleep, and misc. Work is a part of life, and it should be something that you enjoy. Otherwise, what's the point?


Living Intentionally


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