Time Blocking for Leaders

As a busy entrepreneur managing 100 different projects, all of course on a tight deadline, involving 10 other people on 3 different time zones and each with 2 or more decision makers who are never quite on the same page... how do you get a project across the finish line?

There are many tools and methods that I use to advance my projects but time blocking is one of the most important.

Personally, I've always been naturally good at time management. I like being busy, and I feel like I do my best work when I'm multitasking (just enough) because my mind is sharp and in decision making mode.

Time blocking improves the quality of the work you're putting out. It is difficult to do good work if you are constantly being interrupted - but when you are in a leadership role you also have to be available!

Pro Tip: Communicate your time blocks with your team members so they know where your focus is throughout the day. I started sharing my Google calendar with everyone who works with me on a day-to-day basis so that they know what time I have available AND what I'm working on throughout the day so that if they have a thought or input on a specific project, they know when to bring it to me.

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